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IPMS/USA is the United States Branch of the International Plastic Modelers' Society, whose roots can be traced to the startup of the first IPMS National Branch during the 1960's in Great Britain.  IPMS/USA has 13 regions throughout the United States with over 220 active US chapters.


IPMS/USA sponsors Local, Regional, and National Contests and Conventions throughout the 50 States. National Contest and Convention are held every summer in a rotating location, often featuring over 2,000 entries along with seminars, tours, banquets, and the making and re-establishing of friendships, both domestic and international in nature.


As a member you’ll IPMS/USA Modelers' Journal, an all-color magazine supplied 6 times each year, learn more about our hobby and develop friendships that will last a lifetime.

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IPMS Las Vegas, Building Modelers Since 1990

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