Best of the West 2025
May 24th 2025 at
The Orleans Hotel & Casino
See Below for Details !
Join Us
Celebrating 30 Years as Las Vegas’s oldest IPMS Chapter.
We invite you to visit our website and share our passion for building highly detailed and realistic scale models.
Our club boasts a friendly and supportive atmosphere where modelers come to show their work, share skills
and techniques and bolster our common interest. We welcome modelers of every type, medium, subject matter and skill level. From master level builder to beginner, all are welcome and invited to stop by and meet the group.
Juniors under 17 are welcome if accompanied by an adult.
IPMS Las Vegas is proud to be a chapter of IPMS / USA and participates in community activities whenever and wherever possible.
The IPMS Las Vegas was proud to host the IPMS National Convention in Las Vegas August 2021
See the results in your IPMS Journal

IPMS Las Vegas, Building Modelers Since 1990
​Our club meets on the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 5:30 to 8:00 pm.
We are meeting at the Desert 215 Superstore.
Located at 8030 Rafael Rivera Way Las Vegas NV 89113
​We encourage members and guests to bring a finished or in-progress model to display, kits, books or other model
related items of interest to show and discuss with the club.
Meetings are casual, informal and fun with only a few minutes spent on club business and/or events happenings related to our hobby. Modelers of all skill levels and mediums are welcome, from beginners to Masters.

Our interests in modeling is as wide and diversified as our members themselves. Every subject matter is covered, and in every medium possible from plastic to wood to paper. We invite you to explore some our work, many of which are prize winning models from contests near and far. Enjoy!
Click on the drop-down menu above and find your favorite subject.

May 24th 2025
The Orleans Hotel & Casino
Sponsored by our friends at
Findlay Suburu
6455 W Roy Horn Way,
Las Vegas, NV 89118.
Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Contest & Show Admission:
$15 entry for first 2 models, $2 for ea. additional
General Admission (non contest attendees)
$5 Individual or family, Children under 12 free
Active Military & First Responders are Free
Table sales start NOW !
Use the Form Below to Submit Request
Dedicated to our brothers
Frank Canepa, Orne Montgomery, Matt Sherwood and Andy Harlow
'Gone, but never forgotten'

Please FIll in Form Below to Contact IPMS Las Vegas
If you would like to know more about our club, donate a kit to our raffle or donate any unwanted un-built model kits please contact us below. All donations would be greatly appreciated and used to further build interest in our hobby.